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T-Spot TB

Important Note

Order by placing a Miscellaneous Lab Request (LAB3715)

This test should only be ordered if the Quantiferon test is positive.

The requisition MUST be filled out and sent to the lab with the specimen

eD-H Order Code

Miscellaneous Lab Request (LAB3517)

Specimen Collection Information

Collect one Dark Green Sodium Heparin tube, a second tube is only needed if the patient is immunosuppressed. *Note: Light Green Lithium Heparin Tubes are also acceptable for this test.*

Whole blood- Do not Spin.

The provider must complete the T-Spot TB requisition (contact the laboratory if a blank form is needed). The requisition must accompany the specimen to the lab.

Specimen Transport Temperature


Specimen Stability

The specimen must arrive to the lab BEFORE 2pm (Monday-Thursday) to allow for specimen packaging and next day delivery.

Specimen stability: 32 hours from time of collection.

Specimens recieved Monday-Thursday AFTER 3pm or on Friday will be canceled and need to be recollected.

Day(s) Performed

Monday- Thursday

Performing Lab Section

Mail-out: Send out to Oxford Diagnostic Laboratories